Industries > Government


Specialised legal services for government bodies

With an appreciation for the unique requirements of government bodies and a specialisation in credit litigation and commercial disputes, we provide legal services that balance the often competing interests of government organisations.

Our services include pursuing legal recovery under specific legislative frameworks and resolving defended claims, as well as advising on legal process improvement and cost reduction projects. Advice and representation in these areas is founded on our understanding of the imperatives of government and the requirement to withstand public scrutiny. At all times, we remain committed to upholding our clients’ integrity and avoiding political and reputational risk.

Achieving results while protecting our clients’ public image

Our team effectively balances the ultimate objective of recovering funds and resolving disputes with achieving strict regulatory compliance and protecting the public image of our clients.

In Queensland alone, we have experience in representing numerous government bodies, including WorkCover Queensland and Queensland Urban Utilities. This extensive experience ensures matters are handled by a team of highly skilled legal specialists who have insight into the unique needs of government.

If you have a question, please contact us directly for a no obligation consultation.

email us for a consultation

Call us 1300 757 534

Specialists in Government
Anna Taylor
Anna Taylor
Charlotte Evans
Charlotte Evans
Senior Associate
Nicholas Baker
Nicholas Baker
Senior Associate
Peter Adams-Clark
Peter Adams-Clark

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